Problem Solving Method | Class 10th Computer | Chapter 1 part 1.2

Problem solving is a skill which can be developed by following well organized approaches. Programming is also a problem solving activity. If you are good at problem solving that means you might be good at programming as well. Every field have its own methods of problem solving. For example business students solve problems with their own approach while science students have their own scientific approach to solve problem. On the other hand programmers use software development methods to solve their problems. Following steps can be followed by the programming students to solve problems:

  1. Problem identification
  2. Specify requirements
  3. Analyze the problem
  4. Design algorithm and draw flowchart
  5. Write the program (Coding)
  6. Test and Debug the program
  7. Implement the program
  8. Maintain and update the program
  9. Document the program

Problem Solving Method | Class 10th Computer | Chapter 1 part 1.2

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